The CGA Client is a small client program that is launched from this website whenever you launch a game from within a game room. The client reads the configuration information from the website and either connects to a dedicated CGA Server via TCP or connects diectly to another player's DOSBox instacne via UDP if the game room was setup as a peer-to-peer game.
When connecting to a dedicated server the client passes a unique "network ID" that the website generates for the current game room and the server uses this ID to establish a "virtual network". The virtual network that is created makes it so that data packets for each unique game are only sent between the players in that game and not to each connection to the server. When a player quits the game the cient notifies the server and the server drops the connection from its connection pool. The client then notifies the website that it has left the game room.
You will need to download and install the CGA Client before you will be able to play with other players using the website.
Continue to CGA Dedicated Server...