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Help :: Configuring Your Servers Topics

So you want to run your own CGA Server? Well, it's pretty simple. To get started, first download and install the CGA Server software. After installing the server you will need to add it to your CGA account in order for yourself and others to create/enter game rooms using it. To get started click the My Servers link in the account information window at the top right.

:: Registering a Server

  1. Click the Register link or icon ().
  2. Select the type of server you wish to register. CGA Dedicated servers should be registered as CGA or CGA (LAN). Only register as a LAN server if you intend to only make it available to your local network.
  3. Enter a host name or IP address. (Defaults to your current public IP address)
  4. Select the country of where your server is located.
  5. Depending on the type of server you are configuring you can choose whether or not you want to allow other players than yourself to create game rooms using your server. If you do not want other players to be able to use your server to create game rooms check the "No Player Rooms" checkbox.
  6. Set the port(s) to what you have configured in your local configuration.
  7. Click the save button.

:: Changing Server Settings

You can change your server settings at any time. If you want to change the ports or the name that your server is using you will have to edit your configuration file* and restart your server. Once you have restarted your server you can edit the settings you registered on the website by clicking the edit icon () to the right of the server in the list. Once you have made your changes the settings will set for CGA (LAN) and Open Relay servers. Regualr CGA Servers will be queried to get the new settings. If you do not wish to edit the settings for you CGA server the new ports, name and other settings will be updated on the website as soon as the master server service queries it (currently, ~once a minute).

* The configuration file is named cgaserver.conf and it is located in the conf subfolder of the installation folder under Windows. Under Linux the configuration file is located in /etc/cgaserver or wherever it was configured by you or the server admin.

:: Port Forwarding

If your server is behind a firewall/router that is providing NAT (network address translation) you will need to port forword the TCP and UDP/TCP (IPX/Serial) ports you selected to use for your server. The audio chat server uses UDP and this port will need to be forwarded as well. You will also need to forward UDP port 9666. This is the port our master server uses to query servers. TeamSpeak requires TCP port 2008 for outbound traffic be accessible to reach its license server.

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